Friday, March 24, 2017

My journey so far with flight simulators and why this flight simulator blog

So like many flight simulator fans, the world over, I have also flown every other airplane games out there including countless online airpl... thumbnail 1 summary
So like many flight simulator fans, the world over, I have also flown every other airplane games out there including countless online airplane simulators. I have since out-gown these free online simulator games and was looking for a flight simulator game that could challenge me.

I must admit, it was only by chance that I can across Lock On Modern Air Combat (also called LOMAC) at a garage sale - this game really opened my eyes to how flight sims had evolved and can do. Lock On Modern Air Combat is pretty old, was first released in 2003.

But coming from playing online airplane games, was very impressed with what a Russian (of all places) studio - Eagle Dynamics, had done with their flight simulator. LOMAC remains one of my treasured flight games. 

Having heard a lot about Microsoft Flight Simulator, later managed to get my hands onto FS2004 (or Microsoft Flight Simulator 2004). While this provided a good introduction into the world of Microsoft's flight sims, I soon learnt, as will all things, that this too was dated and needed something with better graphics etc. By chance again, managed to get my hands onto Microsoft Flight Simulator X - the Deluxe version, in a second hand shop.

Also called FSX, I have since pimped it out with many FSX add-ons. But it has been a sort of a major learning curve - I raise my hands to the guys on YouTube with their impressive takeoffs and landings. It is not easy flying in these simulators like they make it look. Have learnt, like many gamers out there will tell you, it takes dedication and even years of learning to finally master these flight simulators and any other game.

I have played many other games like Battlefield and Hitman, Need for Speed, but still find myself always contempleting how to make smooth taxis, take offs, flights and landings. The thrill of flying.

I have since moved on from LOMAC onto Eagle Dynamics' subsequent follow ups that game and have played Flaming Cliffs 1, Flaming Cliffs 2 and am now on DCS World. I missed a chance to try Flaming Cliffs 3.

So decided to create a space to share my frustrations and successes in FSX; DCS Flaming Cliffs 2 and DCS World 2.0.

Here and there will post how my other experiences went with other games that I play on the side.

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