Friday, March 24, 2017

DCS World Black Shark: 9K121 Vikhr M anti-tank missile vs captured M113 armored personnel carrier

Mission for today: Fly my Russian Kamov Ka-50 "Black Shark" attack helicopter and locate and destroy a captured M113 armored pers... thumbnail 1 summary
Mission for today: Fly my Russian Kamov Ka-50 "Black Shark" attack helicopter and locate and destroy a captured M113 armored personnel carrier.

Load out: 4 9K121 Vikhr M anti-tank missile pods; a 1× mobile semi-rigid 30 mm Shipunov 2A42 cannon and 20 x 122 mm S-13 rockets.

Using the DCS KA-50 Auto Slew SHKVAL to Data Link Targeting system to acquire the target a captured M113.

After taking off from air base on a clear morning began working the DCS KA-50 Auto Slew SHKVAL to Data Link Targeting system to acquire the target a captured M113. 

Target acquired let loose one 9K121 Vikhr M anti-tank missile

Death flew in a tube!

9K121 Vikhr M anti-tank missile seconds to impact - is it not ironic - the beautiful vegetation and the missile?

9K121 Vikhr M anti-tank missile sends up a massive plume as it destroys M113 amoured personnel carrier. Mission complete!

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